FFR-CT Reduces Invasive Angiography Rates

Performing automated CT-derived fractional flow reserve with Shukun Technology’s software reduced referrals to invasive coronary angiography by 19% in a new study in Radiology. The findings suggest that software-based FFR-CT can serve a gatekeeper role in managing workup of patients with suspected coronary artery disease. 

Cardiac CT has been a revolutionary tool for assessing people with heart problems, evolving rapidly into a first-line modality that’s eclipsed other more traditional imaging technologies. 

  • But CCTA’s prowess also has a downside – more referrals to invasive coronary angiography, in some cases for patients without obstructive disease.

Rising to this challenge is FFR-CT, which uses automated software to calculate maximum blood flow in the coronary arteries and detect dangerous coronary lesions that could be early signs of a cardiac event. 

  • The segment to date has been dominated by HeartFlow, thanks to its early start in the field: its FFRCT software got FDA clearance in 2014 and the company has used its dominance to build a massive cash position.

In the new China CT-FFR Study 3, researchers in China used another FFR-CT application, Shukun’s skCT-FFR, and compared angio referral rates for 5.3k patients with suspected coronary artery disease who were scanned with either CCTA alone or CCTA and FFR-CT. They found …

  • Referral rates were lower for those who got FFR-CT (10% vs. 12.4%), a 19% relative difference.
  • Fewer cardiac events occurred in the FFR-CT group at one year (0.5% vs. 1.1%).
  • There was no statistically significant difference in major adverse cardiac event rates at 90 days (0.5% vs. 0.8%, p=0.12) and one year (2.9% vs. 2.8%, p=0.9).

Shukun is not as well known in the West as other developers of FFR-CT software like HeartFlow, but the company has raised over $250M to date – enough to land it in the top echelon of AI developers. 

  • One advantage of Shukun that was evident with the new study is that image processing was performed on-site, rather than being shipped off-site as is the case with other applications. 

The Takeaway

The study shows that FFR-CT can make cardiac CT more precise while tamping down on referrals to invasive angiography that have come from growing CT use. The results should also help put Shukun on the radar of many industry observers in a segment that so far has been dominated by HeartFlow.

U.K.’s Massive Diagnostic IT Project

The U.K. is planning a massive project – worth close to $1B – to procure new IT tools for medical diagnostic use. While details of the plan are still sketchy, it involves the acquisition of both radiology and cardiology PACS, as well as AI.

The U.K.’s NHS has become one of the world’s hottest test beds for medical IT adoption as the service struggles to reconcile a static workforce with rising demand for healthcare services.

  • For example, the NHS last year issued the AI Diagnostic Fund, which provided £21 million ($28M) for a variety of AI implementation projects across 64 NHS trusts.

But the new tender offer dwarfs that investment. NHS has proposed a Digital Diagnostic Solutions project to serve as “a route to market for departmental wide diagnostic IT solutions.”

  • The value of the project is pegged at £700M ($923M), a massive investment in medical IT by any metric. 

The offer is being led by NHS Supply Chain, the governmental agency responsible for procuring medical equipment within the NHS. 

  • The program’s tender offer states that the Digital Diagnostic Solutions project “is to be the new Framework for the Medical IT Departmental Software and Hardware Solutions framework within NHS Supply Chain.”

It includes the following provisions: 

  • Acquisition of radiology PACS, cardiology PACS, RIS, cardiovascular information systems (CVIS), laboratory information management systems (LIMS), and vendor-neutral archives (VNAs).
  • Software acquired through the program “will sit alongside” other capital equipment like X-ray, MRI, and CT systems.
  • It will also include 3D software, diagnostic AI software, and endoscopy image management applications.

Publication of an invitation to tender will happen in December 2024, and the contract award will be in July 2025, with the framework itself starting in August 2025. 

The tender offer was published just a few days before a government-commissioned report that said the NHS was in “serious trouble” and that was harshly critical of the system’s transformation to digital operation.

  • And that report came after a July election that saw the Labour party win power for the first time in 14 years – raising hopes that it would approach NHS funding differently than the previous Conservative governments. 

The Takeaway

Does the Digital Diagnostic Solutions project represent a new commitment to funding IT innovation from the Labour government? Or is it simply a rebranding of the NHS’ existing procurement activities? Stay tuned. 

Imaging News from ESC 2024

The European Society of Cardiology annual meeting concluded on September 2 in London, with around 32k clinicians from 171 countries attending some 4.4k presentations. Organizers reported that attendance finally rebounded to pre-COVID numbers. 

While much of ESC 2024 focused on treatments for cardiovascular disease, diagnosis with medical imaging still played a prominent role. 

  • Cardiac CT dominated many ESC sessions, and AI showed it is nearly as hot in cardiology as it is in radiology. 

Major imaging-related ESC presentations included…

  • A track on cardiac CT that underscored CT’s prognostic value:
    • Myocardial revascularization patients who got FFR-CT had lower hazard ratios for MACE and all-cause mortality (HR=0.73 and 0.48).
    • Incidental coronary artery anomalies appeared on 1.45% of CCTA scans for patients with suspected coronary artery disease.
  • AI flexed its muscles in a machine learning track:
    • AI of low-dose CT scans had an AUC of 0.95 for predicting pulmonary congestion, a sign of acute heart failure. 
    • Echocardiography AI identified HFpEF with higher AUC than clinical models (0.75 vs. 0.69).
    • AI of transthoracic echo detected hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with AUC=0.85.

Another ESC hot topic was CT for calculating coronary artery calcium (CAC) scores, a possible predictor of heart disease. Sessions found … 

  • AI-generated volumetry of cardiac chambers based on CAC scans better predicted cardiovascular events than Agatston scores over 15 years of follow-up in an analysis of 5.8k patients from the MESA study. 
  • AI-CAC with CT was comparable to cardiac MRI read by humans for predicting atrial fibrillation (0.802 vs. 0.798) and stroke (0.762 vs. 0.751) over 15 years, which could give an edge to AI-CAC given its automated nature.
  • An AI algorithm enabled opportunistic screening of CAC quantification from non-gated chest CT scans of 631 patients, finding high CAC scores in 13%. Many got statins, while 22 got additional imaging and 2 intervention.
  • AI-generated CAC scores were also highlighted in a Polish study, detecting CAC on contrast CT at a rate comparable to humans on non-contrast CT (77% vs. 79%), possibly eliminating the need for additional non-contrast CT.  

The Takeaway

This week’s ESC 2024 sessions demonstrate the vital role of imaging in diagnosing and treating cardiovascular disease. While radiologists may not control the patients, they can always apply knowledge of advances in other disciplines to their work.

AI of Cardiac CT Predicts Risk

In a landmark study of 40k patients from the UK published in The Lancet, an AI-derived score that analyzed coronary arterial inflammation on coronary CT angiography scans was effective in predicting future cardiac risk in people regardless of whether they had obstructive coronary artery disease.

CCTA’s power for predicting heart problems has been demonstrated in multiple studies, and it’s now considered a first-line test for individuals with chest pain. 

  • But the situation is trickier in those without obstructive disease – prompting researchers to ask whether CCTA’s ability to visualize subtle changes in cardiac structure and function could be leveraged – such as with AI – to deliver even more prognostic power. 

The Oxford Risk Factors And Noninvasive imaging (ORFAN) study in the UK is addressing that question by conducting CCTA scans in 40k patients as part of routine clinical care at eight hospitals. 

  • Researchers analyzed outcomes in the entire ORFAN population of 40k patients, then followed a subset of 3.4k higher-risk patients for 7.7 years to study the value of a perivascular fat attenuation index (FAI) score. 

FAI scores measure heart inflammation in coronary arteries and are calculated using Caristo Diagnostics’ CaRi-Heart AI software.

  • The scores are combined with other traditional risk factors to create an AI-Risk classification that predicts the likelihood of an adverse event.  

Researchers found that … 

  • Across the entire 40k cohort, patients without obstructive CAD accounted for 64% of cardiac deaths and 66% of MACE – twice as many as those with obstructive CAD
  • In the smaller higher-risk cohort, patients with an elevated FAI score in all three coronary arteries had a higher risk of cardiac mortality (HR=29.8) or MACE (HR=12.6)
  • Elevated FAI scores in any coronary artery also predicted cardiac mortality
  • AI-Risk scores were associated with cardiac mortality (HR=6.75) and MACE (HR=4.68) when comparing very-high-risk versus low- or medium-risk patients 

The first data point is worth noting, as it illustrates the need to improve risk stratification and management in people without obstructive CAD.

The Takeaway
The ORFAN results are an exciting development for cardiac CT AI (in addition to being a major coup for Caristo, which raised $16.3M last year to commercialize CaRi-Heart globally). Measurements of coronary inflammation could give clinicians another tool – in addition to plaque measurements and calcium scoring – to predict cardiac events.

Fine-Tuning Cardiac CT

CT has established itself as an excellent cardiac imaging modality. But there can still be some fine-tuning in terms of exactly how and when to use it, especially for assessing people presenting with chest pain. 

Two studies in JAMA Cardiology tackle this head-on, presenting new evidence that supports a more conservative – and precise – approach to determining which patients get follow-up testing. The studies also address concerns that using coronary CT angiography (CCTA) as an initial test before invasive catheterization could lead to unnecessary testing.

In the PRECISE study, researchers analyzed 2.1k patients from 2018 to 2021 who had stable symptoms of suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). Patients were randomized to a usual testing strategy (such as cardiac SPECT or stress echo), or a precision strategy that employed CCTA with selected fractional flow reserve CT (FFR-CT). 

The precision strategy group was further subdivided into a subgroup of those at minimal risk of cardiac events (20%) for whom testing was deferred to see if utilization could be reduced even further. In the precision strategy group….

  • Rates of invasive catheterization without coronary obstruction were lower (4% vs. 11%)
  • Testing was lower versus the usual testing group (84% vs. 94%)
  • Positive tests were more common (18% vs. 13%)
  • 64% of the deferred-testing subgroup got no testing at all
  • Adverse events were higher, but the difference was not statistically significant

To expand on the analysis, JAMA Cardiology published a related study that further investigated the safety of the deferred-testing strategy at one-year follow-up. Researchers compared adverse events in the deferred testing group to those who got the usual testing strategy, finding that the deferred testing group had…

  • A lower incidence rate of adverse events (0.9 vs. 5.9)
  • A lower rate of invasive cardiac cath without obstructive CAD per 100 patient years (1.0 vs. 6.5)

The results from both studies show that a strategy of deferring testing for low-risk CAD patients while sending higher-risk patients to CCTA and FFR-CT is clinically effective with no adverse impact on patient safety.

The Takeaway
The new findings don’t take any of the luster off cardiac CT; they simply add to the body of knowledge demonstrating when to use – and not to use – this incredibly powerful tool for directing patient care. And in the emerging era of precision medicine, that’s what it’s all about.

Cardiac Imaging in 2040

What will cardiac imaging look like in 2040? It will be more automated and preventive, and CT will continue to play a major – and growing – role.

That’s according to an April 11 article in Radiology in which Dr. David Bluemke and Dr. João Lima look into the future and offer a top 10 list of major developments in cardiovascular imaging in 2040.

Cardiovascular disease carries a massive medical burden, with over 800,000 myocardial infarctions occurring annually in the US alone. By 2030 almost one-third of deaths worldwide are expected to be due to cardiovascular disease.

Multiple different imaging modalities are adept at identifying both ischemic and nonischemic heart disease, but CT has risen to the top for ischemic imaging, making “quantum” advances in the last decade thanks to its growing prowess in the coronary arteries.

CT’s advances have been so great that the modality occupies seven of the top 10 spots on Bluemke and Lima’s list. In brief, they see: 

  • Coronary CTA becoming totally automated, a development that will no doubt benefit AI developers like HeartFlow (see below).
  • CCTA becoming a preventive tool rather than a gatekeeper to interventional cardiology (also hinted at in a recent study from Denmark). For example, CCTA will be used to track the effectiveness of statin therapy
  • Photon-counting CT flexing its muscles for coronary artery evaluation and routine plaque characterization and quantification
  • Next-generation cardiac CT becoming more like MRI
  • Next-generation cardiac MRI becoming more like CT
Table of Top 10 Cardiovascular Imaging Developments by 2040

They also see a major growing role for software-assisted cardiac CT with AI and other tools. Software-based automation has simplified the “postprocessing nightmares” once common with coronary CT, making it “wonderfully ordinary” to perform. 

The Takeaway

Bluemke and Lima offer a fascinating glimpse of cardiac imaging’s future. But one area they don’t touch on is whether CT’s rising prominence means radiologists will start taking back turf in heart imaging once ceded to cardiologists. Heart specialists haven’t taken over cardiac CT in the same way that they monopolized echocardiography and nuclear cardiology. Could we be seeing a renaissance of radiology in the heart?

Is CCTA Set for Cardiac Screening?

A new study out of Denmark suggests that coronary CTA could be headed for population-based screening for heart disease. Researchers found that CCTA was remarkably effective in identifying individuals without symptoms who were more likely to experience heart attacks in years to come.

CCTA has proven so effective for cardiac imaging that it’s become a first-line test for stable chest pain, usually for those with symptoms. But researchers have debated whether CCTA’s value could be extended to asymptomatic individuals – which could set the stage for broad-based heart disease screening programs.

To investigate CCTA’s potential in the asymptomatic, researchers in Denmark scanned 9,533 individuals 40 years and older as part of the Copenhagen General Population Study, reporting their results in Annals of Internal Medicine. CCTA scans were conducted with Canon Medical’s 320-detector-row Aquilion One Vision scanner. 

Atherosclerosis was characterized as either obstructive (a luminal stenosis ≥ 50%), extensive (stenoses widely prevalent but not obstructive), or both. Researchers then tracked myocardial events over a median follow-up of 3.5 years. 

They found that 46% of study subjects had evidence of subclinical coronary atherosclerosis, with the type of atherosclerosis impacting risk of myocardial infarction: 

  • Extensive atherosclerosis had eight times higher risk 
  • Obstructive atherosclerosis had nine times higher risk
  • Both extensive and obstructive disease had 12 times higher risk

What’s more, researchers found that 10% of their study population had obstructive disease – which is just 10 percentage points under the 60% atherosclerosis threshold at which therapeutic intervention should be considered for asymptomatic people. 

Participants in the CGPS study did not receive treatment as part of the study, but the researchers have a follow-up study underway – DANE-HEART – in which asymptomatic people will get CCTA scans and some will be directed to preventive treatment if they meet clinical guidelines.

The Takeaway

This study demonstrates not only the widespread incidence of subclinical coronary atherosclerosis, but also CCTA’s ability to detect CAD before symptoms appear. Preventive treatment initiated and directed by CT findings could have a major impact on heart disease morbidity and mortality.

Given CCTA’s prognostic ability and the heavy burden of heart disease on society (more women die of heart disease than breast cancer, for example), how long before calls emerge to add CT-based heart screening to the arsenal of population-based screening programs? DANE-HEART may offer a clue.

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