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Cardiac Imaging October 21, 2024

FFR-CT Reduces Invasive Angiography Rates October 21, 2024

Performing automated CT-derived fractional flow reserve with Shukun Technology’s software reduced referrals to invasive coronary angiography by 19% in a new study in Radiology. The findings suggest that software-based FFR-CT can serve a gatekeeper role in managing workup of patients with suspected coronary artery disease.  Cardiac CT has been a revolutionary tool for assessing people […]

Imaging IT October 18, 2024

Reduce the Mess, Reduce the Stress: Automating and Accelerating Efficiency in Complex Medical Imaging Environments October 18, 2024

Repetitive, arduous tasks are a major contributor to burnout – an increasingly prevalent issue in healthcare. While digital innovation is transformative, introducing more technology to workflows often creates additional layers of complexity, hindering efficiency, performance monitoring, and ultimately the quality of care. As a result, once-simple traditional workflows have grown cumbersome over time, filled with […]

Imaging IT October 17, 2024

Optimizing Front Office Operations through Integrated Apps and Cloud-Based RIS/PACS October 17, 2024

Paradox of High Patient Volumes At first glance, it may appear having more patients should naturally lead to higher revenue. When you consider extra labor costs and the fact that reimbursements are decreasing, increased volume can turn into diminishing returns. Optimal management of growing patient volumes requires a new way of working with automation and […]

Patient Engagement October 17, 2024

Do Imaging Costs Scare Patients? October 17, 2024

A new study in JACR reveals an uncomfortable reality about medical imaging price transparency: Patients who knew how much they would have to pay for their imaging exam were less likely to complete their study.  Price transparency has been touted as a patient-friendly tool that can get patients engaged with their care while also helping […]

CT Scanners October 14, 2024

Did Malpractice Risk Kill V/Q Exams? October 14, 2024

CT perfusion angiography exams have largely replaced nuclear medicine-based ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) studies for detecting pulmonary embolism. But a new article in Academic Radiology suggests that CT’s rise wasn’t entirely based on clinical efficacy – fears of malpractice risk may have played a role.  V/Q studies can help diagnose PE by enabling clinicians to visualize lung […]

Artificial Intelligence October 10, 2024

Low-Dose CT Confounds CAD in Kids October 10, 2024

When it comes to pediatric CT scans, clinicians should make every effort to reduce dose as much as possible. But a new study in AJR indicates that lower CT radiation dose can affect the performance of software tools like computer-aided detection.  Initiatives like the Image Wisely and Image Gently projects have succeeded in raising awareness […]

Artificial Intelligence October 7, 2024

Mammography AI Predicts Cancer Before It’s Detected October 7, 2024

A new study highlights the predictive power of AI for mammography screening – before cancers are even detected. Researchers in a study JAMA Network Open found that risk scores generated by Lunit’s Insight MMG algorithm predicted which women would develop breast cancer – years before radiologists found it on mammograms.  Mammography image analysis has always […]

Breast Imaging October 3, 2024

Breast Cancer Mortality Falls Again October 3, 2024

New data from the American Cancer Society highlight the remarkable strides that have been made against breast cancer, with the U.S. death rate falling 44% over the last 33 years – saving over half a million lives. But the statistics also underscore the work that remains to be done, particularly with minority women.  The fight […]

Breast Imaging September 30, 2024

The Cost of Extra Cancer Detection September 30, 2024

It’s well known that using additional screening modalities beyond traditional 2D mammography can detect more cancers in women with dense breast tissue. But at what cost? A new study in Clinical Breast Cancer documents both the clinical value and the economic cost of supplemental breast imaging technologies.  2D mammography is the basis for any breast […]

MR Scanners September 26, 2024

MRI Reduces Prostate Biopsies September 26, 2024

New research provides additional support for MRI’s role in making prostate screening more effective. In a new study in NEJM, researchers found that MRI can help reduce unnecessary biopsies more than 50%, with a very low chance of missing high-risk disease.  As we’ve discussed in previous newsletters, prostate cancer screening based on PSA levels is […]

Artificial Intelligence September 23, 2024

AI Recon Cuts CT Radiation Dose September 23, 2024

Artificial intelligence got its start in radiology as a tool to help medical image interpretation, but much of AI’s recent progress is in data reconstruction: improving images before radiologists even get to see them. Two new studies underscore the potential of AI-based reconstruction to reduce CT radiation dose while preserving image quality.  Radiology vendors and […]

Imaging IT September 19, 2024

U.K.’s Massive Diagnostic IT Project September 19, 2024

The U.K. is planning a massive project – worth close to $1B – to procure new IT tools for medical diagnostic use. While details of the plan are still sketchy, it involves the acquisition of both radiology and cardiology PACS, as well as AI. The U.K.’s NHS has become one of the world’s hottest test […]

CT Scanners September 15, 2024

Combo CT Screening Detects More Disease September 15, 2024

A CT lung cancer screening program that also offered abdominal non-contrast CT scans detected a large number of abnormalities outside the lung in a population of people with smoking histories. The combined approach could offer a more efficient way to detect multiple pathologies in a single patient visit.  CT lung cancer screening is gaining momentum […]

Breast Imaging September 12, 2024

Why the FDA’s Density Rule Matters September 12, 2024

The FDA’s new rules on reporting breast density to women getting mammograms went into effect on September 10. The implementation has been expected for some time, but this week’s rollout generated a wave of positive press coverage that highlights the importance both of breast density awareness and of breast screening. The FDA in March 2023 […]

CT Scanners September 9, 2024

Lung Screening’s Star Turn at WCLC 2024 September 9, 2024

CT lung cancer screening has had a starring role at WCLC 2024 this week in San Diego.

Cardiac Imaging September 5, 2024

Imaging News from ESC 2024 September 5, 2024

Cardiac imaging was a hot topic at this week’s ESC 2024, with AI and cardiac CT dominating many sessions.

Artificial Intelligence August 29, 2024

AI Detects Interval Cancer on Mammograms August 29, 2024

AI detected nearly a quarter of interval cancers missed by radiologists on regular mammography screening exams.

CT Scanners August 26, 2024

When Follow-Up Falls Short for Lung Nodules August 26, 2024

A new study found that suspicious lung nodules on chest CT scans aren’t being adequately followed up.

Patient Engagement August 22, 2024

Patients Unclear on Imaging Costs August 22, 2024

Patients are surprisingly unclear on out-of-pocket costs for their medical imaging exams.

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