Low-Dose CT Confounds CAD in Kids

When it comes to pediatric CT scans, clinicians should make every effort to reduce dose as much as possible. But a new study in AJR indicates that lower CT radiation dose can affect the performance of software tools like computer-aided detection. 

Initiatives like the Image Wisely and Image Gently projects have succeeded in raising awareness of radiation dose and have helped radiologists find ways to reduce it.

But every little bit counts in pediatric dose reduction, especially given that one CT exam can raise the risk of developing cancer by 0.35%. 

  • Imaging tools like AI and CAD could help, but there have been few studies examining the performance of pulmonary CAD software developed for adults in analyzing scans of children.

To address that gap, researchers including radiologists from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center investigated the performance of two open-source CAD algorithms trained on adults for detecting lung nodules in 73 patients with a mean age of 14.7 years. 

  • The algorithms included FlyerScan, a CAD developed by the authors, and MONAI, an open-source project for deep learning in medical imaging. 

Scans were acquired at standard-dose (mean effective dose=1.77 mSv) and low-dose (mean effective dose=0.32 mSv) levels, with the results showing that both algorithms turned in lower performance at lower radiation dose for nodules 3-30 mm … 

  • FlyerScan saw its sensitivity decline (77% vs. 67%) and detected fewer 3mm lung nodules (33 vs. 24).
  • MONAI also saw lower sensitivity (68% vs. 62%) and detected fewer 3mm lung nodules (16 vs. 13).
  • Reduced sensitivity was more pronounced for nodules less than 5 mm.

The findings should be taken with a grain of salt, as the open-source algorithms were not originally trained on pediatric data.

  • But the results do underscore the challenge in developing image analysis software optimized for pediatric applications.

The Takeaway

With respect to low radiation dose and high AI accuracy in CT scans of kids, radiologists may not be able to have their cake and eat it too – yet. More work will be needed before AI solutions developed for adults can be used in children.

Mammography AI Predicts Cancer Before It’s Detected

A new study highlights the predictive power of AI for mammography screening – before cancers are even detected. Researchers in a study JAMA Network Open found that risk scores generated by Lunit’s Insight MMG algorithm predicted which women would develop breast cancer – years before radiologists found it on mammograms. 

Mammography image analysis has always been one of the most promising use cases for AI – even dating back to the days of computer-aided detection in the early 2000s. 

  • Most mammography AI developers have focused on helping radiologists identify suspicious lesions on mammograms, or triage low-risk studies so they don’t require extra review.

But a funny thing has happened during clinical use of these algorithms – radiologists found that AI-generated risk scores appeared to predict future breast cancers before they could be seen on mammograms. 

  • Insight MMG marks areas of concern and generates a risk score of 0-100 for the presence of breast cancer (higher numbers are worse). 

Researchers decided to investigate the risk scores’ predictive power by applying Insight MMG to screening mammography exams acquired in the BreastScreen Norway program over three biennial rounds of screening from 2004 to 2018. 

  • They then correlated AI risk scores to clinical outcomes in exams for 116k women for up to six years after the initial screening round.

Major findings of the study included … 

  • AI risk scores were higher for women who later developed cancer, 4-6 years before the cancer was detected.
  • The difference in risk scores increased over three screening rounds, from 21 points in the first round to 79 points in the third round.
  • Risk scores had very high accuracy by the third round (AUC=0.93).
  • AI scores were more accurate than existing risk tools like the Tyrer-Cuzick model.

How could AI risk scores be used in clinical practice? 

  • Women without detectable cancer but with high scores could be directed to shorter screening intervals or screening with supplemental modalities like ultrasound or MRI.

The Takeaway
It’s hard to overstate the significance of the new results. While AI for direct mammography image interpretation still seems to be having trouble catching on (just like CAD did), risk prediction is a use case that could direct more effective breast screening. The study is also a major coup for Lunit, continuing a string of impressive clinical results with the company’s technology.

Imaging News from ESC 2024

The European Society of Cardiology annual meeting concluded on September 2 in London, with around 32k clinicians from 171 countries attending some 4.4k presentations. Organizers reported that attendance finally rebounded to pre-COVID numbers. 

While much of ESC 2024 focused on treatments for cardiovascular disease, diagnosis with medical imaging still played a prominent role. 

  • Cardiac CT dominated many ESC sessions, and AI showed it is nearly as hot in cardiology as it is in radiology. 

Major imaging-related ESC presentations included…

  • A track on cardiac CT that underscored CT’s prognostic value:
    • Myocardial revascularization patients who got FFR-CT had lower hazard ratios for MACE and all-cause mortality (HR=0.73 and 0.48).
    • Incidental coronary artery anomalies appeared on 1.45% of CCTA scans for patients with suspected coronary artery disease.
  • AI flexed its muscles in a machine learning track:
    • AI of low-dose CT scans had an AUC of 0.95 for predicting pulmonary congestion, a sign of acute heart failure. 
    • Echocardiography AI identified HFpEF with higher AUC than clinical models (0.75 vs. 0.69).
    • AI of transthoracic echo detected hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with AUC=0.85.

Another ESC hot topic was CT for calculating coronary artery calcium (CAC) scores, a possible predictor of heart disease. Sessions found … 

  • AI-generated volumetry of cardiac chambers based on CAC scans better predicted cardiovascular events than Agatston scores over 15 years of follow-up in an analysis of 5.8k patients from the MESA study. 
  • AI-CAC with CT was comparable to cardiac MRI read by humans for predicting atrial fibrillation (0.802 vs. 0.798) and stroke (0.762 vs. 0.751) over 15 years, which could give an edge to AI-CAC given its automated nature.
  • An AI algorithm enabled opportunistic screening of CAC quantification from non-gated chest CT scans of 631 patients, finding high CAC scores in 13%. Many got statins, while 22 got additional imaging and 2 intervention.
  • AI-generated CAC scores were also highlighted in a Polish study, detecting CAC on contrast CT at a rate comparable to humans on non-contrast CT (77% vs. 79%), possibly eliminating the need for additional non-contrast CT.  

The Takeaway

This week’s ESC 2024 sessions demonstrate the vital role of imaging in diagnosing and treating cardiovascular disease. While radiologists may not control the patients, they can always apply knowledge of advances in other disciplines to their work.

AI Detects Interval Cancer on Mammograms

In yet another demonstration of AI’s potential to improve mammography screening, a new study in Radiology shows that Lunit’s Insight MMG algorithm detected nearly a quarter of interval cancers missed by radiologists on regular breast screening exams. 

Breast screening is one of healthcare’s most challenging cancer screening exams, and for decades has been under attack by skeptics who question its life-saving benefit relative to “harms” like false-positive biopsies.  

  • But AI has the potential to change the cost-benefit equation by detecting a higher percentage of early-stage cancers and improving breast cancer survival rates. 

Indeed, 2024 has been a watershed year for mammography AI. 

U.K. researchers used Insight MMG (also used in the BreastScreen Norway trial) to analyze 2.1k screening mammograms, of which 25% were interval cancers (cancers occurring between screening rounds) and the rest normal. 

  • The AI algorithm generates risk scores from 0-100, with higher scores indicating likelihood of malignancy, and this study was set at a 96% specificity threshold, equivalent to the average 4% recall rate in the U.K. national breast screening program.

In analyzing the results, researchers found … 

  • AI flagged 24% of the interval cancers and correctly localized 77%.
  • AI localized a higher proportion of node-positive than node-negative cancers (24% vs. 16%).
  • Invasive tumors had higher median risk scores than noninvasive (62 vs. 33), with median scores of 26 for normal mammograms.

Researchers also tested AI at a lower specificity threshold of 90%. 

  • AI detected more interval cancers at this level, but in real-world practice this would bump up recall rates.  

It’s also worth noting that Insight MMG is designed for the analysis of 2D digital mammography, which is more common in Europe than DBT. 

  • For the U.S., Lunit is emphasizing its recently cleared Insight DBT algorithm, which may perform differently.  

The Takeaway

As with the MASAI and BreastScreen Norway results, the new study points to an exciting role for AI in making mammography screening more accurate with less drain on radiologist resources. But as with those studies, the new results must be interpreted against Europe’s double-reading paradigm, which differs from the single-reading protocol used in the U.S. 

FDA Keeps Pace on AI Approvals

The FDA has updated its list of AI- and machine learning-enabled medical devices that have received regulatory authorization. The list is a closely watched barometer of the health of the AI sector, and the update shows the FDA is keeping a brisk pace of authorizations.

The FDA has maintained double-digit growth of AI authorizations for the last several years, a pace that reflects the growing number of submissions it’s getting from AI developers. 

  • Indeed, data compiled by regulatory expert Bradley Merrill Thompson show how the number of FDA authorizations has been growing rapidly since the dawn of the medical AI era in around 2016 (see also our article on AI safety below). 

The new FDA numbers show that …

  • The FDA has now authorized 950 AI/ML-enabled devices since it began keeping track
  • Device authorizations are up 15% for the first half of 2024 compared to the same period the year before (107 vs. 93)
  • The pace could grow even faster in late 2024 – in 2023, FDA in the second half authorized 126 devices, up 35% over the first half
  • At that pace, the FDA should hit just over 250 total authorizations in 2024 
  • This would represent 14% growth over 220 authorizations in 2023, and compares to growth of 14% in 2022 and 15% in 2021
  • As with past updates, radiology makes up the lion’s share of AI/ML authorizations, but had a 73% share in the first half, down from 80% for all of 2023
  • Siemens Healthineers led in all H1 2024 clearances with 11, bringing its total to 70 (66 for Siemens and four for Varian). GE HealthCare remains the leader with 80 total clearances after adding three in H1 2024 (GE’s total includes companies it has acquired, like Caption Health and MIM Software). There’s a big drop off after GE and Siemens, including Canon Medical (30), Aidoc (24), and Philips (24).

The FDA’s list includes both software-only algorithms as well as hardware devices like scanners that have built-in AI capabilities, such as a mobile X-ray unit that can alert users to emergent conditions. 

  • Indeed, many of the authorizations on the FDA’s list are for updated versions of already-cleared products rather than brand-new solutions – a trend that tends to inflate radiology’s share of approvals.

The Takeaway

The new FDA numbers on AI/ML regulatory authorizations are significant not only for revealing the growth in approvals, but also because the agency appears to be releasing the updates more frequently – perhaps a sign it is practicing what it preaches when it comes to AI openness and transparency. 

Better Prostate MRI with AI

A homegrown AI algorithm was able to detect clinically significant prostate cancer on MRI scans with the same accuracy as experienced radiologists. In a new study in Radiology, researchers say the algorithm could improve radiologists’ ability to detect prostate cancer on MRI, with fewer false positives.

In past issues of The Imaging Wire, we’ve discussed the need to improve on existing tools like PSA tests to make prostate cancer screening more precise with fewer false positives and less need for patient work-up.

  • Adding MRI to prostate screening protocols is a step forward, but MRI is an expensive technology that requires experienced radiologists to interpret.

Could AI help? In the new study, researchers tested a deep learning algorithm developed at the Mayo Clinic to detect clinically significant prostate cancer on multiparametric (mpMRI) scans.

  • In an interesting wrinkle, the Mayo algorithm does not indicate tumor location, so a second algorithm – called Grad-CAM – was employed to localize tumors.

The Mayo algorithm was trained on a population of 5k patients with a cancer prevalence similar to a screening population, then tested in an external test set of 204 patients, finding …

  • No statistically significant difference in performance between the Mayo algorithm and radiologists based on AUC (0.86 vs. 0.84, p=0.68)
  • The highest AUC was with the combination of AI and radiologists (0.89, p<0.001)
  • The Grad-CAM algorithm was accurate in localizing 56 of 58 true-positive exams

An editorial noted that the study employed the Mayo algorithm on multiparametric MRI exams.

  • Prostate cancer imaging is moving from mpMRI toward biparametric MRI (bpMRI) due to its faster scan times and lack of contrast, and if validated on bpMRI, AI’s impact could be even more dramatic.

The Takeaway
The current study illustrates the exciting developments underway to make prostate imaging more accurate and easier to perform. They also support the technology evolution that could one day make prostate cancer screening a more widely accepted test.

Teleradiology AI’s Mixed Bag

An AI algorithm that examined teleradiology studies for signs of intracranial hemorrhage had mixed performance in a new study in Radiology: Artificial Intelligence. AI helped detect ICH cases that might have been missed, but false positives slowed radiologists down. 

AI is being touted as a tool that can detect unseen pathology and speed up the workflow of radiologists facing an environment of limited resources and growing image volume.

  • This dynamic is particularly evident at teleradiology practices, which frequently see high volumes during off-hour shifts; indeed, a recent study found that telerad cases had higher rates of patient death and more malpractice claims than cases read by traditional radiology practices.

So teleradiologists could use a bit more help. In the new study, researchers from the VA’s National Teleradiology Program assessed Avicenna.ai’s CINA v1.0 algorithm for detecting ICH on STAT non-contrast head CT studies.

  • AI was used to analyze 58.3k CT exams processed by the teleradiology service from January 2023 to February 2024, with a 2.7% prevalence of ICH.

Results were as follows

  • AI flagged 5.7k studies as positive for acute ICH and 52.7k as negative
  • Final radiology reports confirmed that 1.2k exams were true positives for a sensitivity of 76% and a positive predictive value of 21%
  • There were 384 false negatives (missed ICH cases), for a specificity of 92% and a negative predictive value of 99.3%
  • The algorithm’s performance at the VA was a bit lower than in previously published literature
  • Cases that the algorithm falsely flagged as positive took over a minute longer to interpret than prior to AI deployment
  • Overall, case interpretation times were slightly lower after AI than before

One issue to note is that the CINA algorithm is not intended for small hemorrhages with volumes < 3 mL; the researchers did not exclude these cases from their analysis, which could have reduced its performance.

  • Also, at 2.7% the VA’s teleradiology program ICH prevalence was lower than the 10% prevalence Avicenna has used to rate its performance.

The Takeaway

The new findings aren’t exactly a slam dunk for AI in the teleradiology setting, but in terms of real-world results they are exactly what’s needed to assess the true value of the technology compared to outcomes in more tightly controlled environments.

AI Detects Incidental PE

In one of the most famous quotes about radiology and artificial intelligence, Curtis Langlotz, MD, PhD, once said that AI will not replace radiologists, but radiologists with AI will replace those without it. A new study in AJR illustrates his point, showing that radiologists using a commercially available AI algorithm had higher rates of detecting incidental pulmonary embolism on CT scans. 

AI is being applied to many clinical use cases in radiology, but one of the more promising is for detecting and triaging emergent conditions that might have escaped the radiologist’s attention on initial interpretations.

  • Pulmonary embolism is one such condition. PE can be life-threatening and occurs in 1.3-2.6% of routine contrast-enhanced CT exams, but radiologist miss rates range from 10-75% depending on patient population.

AI can help by automatically analyzing CT scans and alerting radiologists to PEs when they can be treated quickly; the FDA has authorized several algorithms for this clinical use. 

  • In the new paper, researchers conducted a prospective real-world study of Aidoc’s BriefCase for iPE Triage at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. 

Researchers tracked rates of PE detection in 4.3k patients before and after AI implementation in 2021, finding … 

  • Radiologists saw their sensitivity for PE detection go up after AI implementation (80% vs. 96%) 
  • Specificity was unchanged (99.1% vs. 99.9%, p=0.58)
  • The PE incidence rate went up (1.4% vs. 1.6%)
  • There was no statistically significant difference in report turnaround time before and after AI (65 vs. 78 minutes, p=0.26)

The study echoes findings from 2023, when researchers from UT Southwestern also used the Aidoc algorithm for PE detection, in that case finding that AI cut times for report turnaround and patient waits. 

The Takeaway

While studies showing AI’s value to radiologists are commonplace, many of them are performed under controlled conditions that don’t translate to the real world. The current study is significant because it shows that with AI, radiologists can achieve near-perfect detection of a potentially life-threatening condition without a negative impact on workflow.

Better Prostate MRI Tools

In past issues of The Imaging Wire, we’ve discussed some of the challenges to prostate cancer screening that have limited its wider adoption. But researchers continue to develop new tools for prostate imaging – particularly with MRI – that could flip the script. 

Three new studies were published in just the last week focusing on prostate MRI, two involving AI image analysis.

In a new study in The Lancet Oncology, researchers presented results from AI algorithms developed for the Prostate Imaging—Cancer Artificial Intelligence (PI-CAI) Challenge.

  • PI-CAI pitted teams from around the world in a competition to develop the best prostate AI algorithms, with results presented at recent RSNA and ECR conferences. 

Researchers measured the ensemble performance of top-performing PI-CAI algorithms for detecting clinically significant prostate cancer against 62 radiologists who used the PI-RADS system in a population of 400 cases, finding that AI …

  • Had performance superior to radiologists (AUROC=0.91 vs. 0.86)
  • Generated 50% fewer false-positive results
  • Detected 20% fewer low-grade cases 

Broader use of prostate AI could reduce inter-reader variability and need for experienced radiologists to diagnose prostate cancer.

In the next study, in the Journal of Urology, researchers tested Avenda Health’s Unfold AI cancer mapping algorithm to measure the extent of tumors by analyzing their margins on MRI scans, finding that compared to physicians, AI … 

  • Had higher accuracy for defining tumor margins compared to two manual methods (85% vs. 67% and 76%)
  • Reduced underestimations of cancer extent with a significantly higher negative margin rate (73% vs. 1.6%)

AI wasn’t used in the final study, but this one could be the most important of the three due to its potential economic impact on prostate MRI.

  • Canadian researchers in Radiology tested a biparametric prostate MRI protocol that avoids the use of gadolinium contrast against multiparametric contrast-based MRI for guiding prostate biopsy. 

They compared the protocols in 1.5k patients with prostate lesions undergoing biopsy, finding…

  • No statistically significant difference in PPV between bpMRI and mpMRI for all prostate cancer (55% vs. 56%, p=0.61) 
  • No difference for clinically significant prostate cancer (34% vs. 34%, p=0.97). 

They concluded that bpMRI offers lower costs and could improve access to prostate MRI by making the scans easier to perform.

The Takeaway

The advances in AI and MRI protocols shown in the new studies could easily be applied to prostate cancer screening, making it more economical, accessible, and clinically effective.  

Is Radiology’s AI Edge Fading?

Is radiology’s AI edge fading, at least when it comes to its share of AI-enabled medical devices being granted regulatory authorization by the FDA? The latest year-to-date figures from the agency suggest that radiology’s AI dominance could be declining. 

Radiology was one of the first medical specialties to go digital, and software developers have targeted the field for AI applications like image analysis and data reconstruction.

  • Indeed, FDA data from recent years shows that radiology makes up the vast majority of agency authorizations for AI- and machine learning-enabled medical devices, ranging from 86% in 2020 and 2022 to 79% in 2023

But in the new data, radiology devices made up only 73% of authorizations from January-March 2024. Other data points indicate that the FDA …

  • Authorized 151 new devices since August 2023
  • Reclassified as AI/ML-enabled 40 devices that were previously authorized 
  • Authorized a total of 882 devices since it began tracking the field 

      In an interesting wrinkle, many of the devices on the updated list are big-iron scanners that the FDA has decided to classify as AI/ML-enabled devices. 

      • These include CT and MRI scanners from Siemens Healthineers, ultrasound scanners from Philips and Canon Medical Systems, an MRI scanner from United Imaging, and the recently launched Butterfly iQ3 POCUS scanner. 

      The additions could be a sign that imaging OEMs increasingly are baking AI functionality into their products at a basic level, blurring the line between hardware and software. 

      The Takeaway

      It should be no cause for panic that radiology’s share of AI/ML authorizations is declining as other medical specialties catch up to the discipline’s head start. The good news is that the FDA’s latest figures show how AI is becoming an integral part of medicine, in ways that clinicians may not even notice.

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