Vendors Enter RSNA on Q3 Roll

As RSNA 2023 approaches, medical imaging vendors appear to be on a roll when it comes to financial results. In the weeks leading up to the meeting, companies have posted numbers that for the most part are strongly positive and appear to be leaving the bad old days of the COVID-19 pandemic behind.

Agfa – Between Agfa’s two imaging divisions, healthcare IT continues to outperform the radiology solutions business. Healthcare IT saw growth in revenue (3.3% to $67M) and EBITDA (44.3% to $6.4M), but revenue declined at radiology solutions (-5.7% to $127M) as did EBITDA (-21% to $10M). 

Canon – Canon Medical Systems saw firm revenues in Japan and Europe, which propelled the business unit to higher revenues (5% to $913M) while income before taxes edged up (0.3% to $46M). 

Fujifilm – Revenues tapered off slightly in Fujifilm’s healthcare business at constant currency rates (-1.9% to $1.66B) as a 12.4% decline in its contract manufacturing business offset 1.7% growth in medical systems. Operating income in healthcare slipped due to a one-time benefit in the year-ago quarter (-6.5% to $217M).

GE HealthCare – Revenue growth in its molecular imaging and CT businesses helped propel GE HealthCare’s revenue growth (5.4% to $4.82B), assisted by 13% growth in pharmaceutical diagnostics and a 9% increase in patient care solutions. Net income was lower (-23% to $375M). 

Guerbet – Strong revenues for the third quarter in Asia (+15%) and stability in the EMEA region (0.6%) helped counter a decline in the Americas (-5.2%), enabling Guerbet to turn in overall quarterly revenue growth at constant exchange rates (2.3% to $212M). The company expects sales of its Elucirem MRI contrast agent to ramp up in the fourth quarter. 

Hologic – The semiconductor shortage that had impacted Hologic in previous quarters eased, leading to a sharp jump in revenues in the company’s breast health business (27% to $353M). The rebound didn’t extend to Hologic’s overall net income as its net margin narrowed (-24% to $91M). 

Konica Minolta – A decline in sales of X-ray systems to hospitals in its core market of Japan and a slower US hospital market produced lower revenues in Konica Minolta’s healthcare division (-5% to $238M), and the business posted an operating loss (-$5.5M).

Philips – Philips rebounded in the most recent quarter, with revenues in its diagnosis and treatment division rising sharply after currency conversion thanks to double-digit growth in all businesses (14% to $2.39B). Operating income doubled (to $272M). 

RadNet – RadNet saw a double-digit jump in revenues (15% to $402M) while net income leaped ($17.5M vs. $668k). Revenue jumped 221% in the company’s AI segment, which made progress narrowing its EBITDA loss (-$2.5M vs. -$4.5M) on higher consumer adoption of its Enhanced Breast Cancer Detection offering.  

Siemens Healthineers – Siemens Healthineers closed its financial year with “outstanding” 8.3% revenue growth at constant exchange rates, including double-digit growth in its imaging business (11% to $3.62B) while adjusted EBIT edged up (2% to $812M). Its Varian radiation therapy business saw a strong recovery in revenue (30% to $1.1B) and adjusted EBIT (90% to $207M).

Varex – Growth in Varex’s industrial X-ray imaging business propelled the company to higher overall revenues even as revenues in its medical business fell (-9.8% to $164M). The medical division’s gross profit also slipped (-7% to $53M).

The Takeaway

Not every company was a winner in this last round of quarterly earnings, but at least the macroeconomic headwinds of the COVID-19 pandemic are fading. The fourth calendar quarter is typically radiology’s strongest period due to the impact of the RSNA conference on equipment purchasing, so let’s hope the momentum continues.

Reimbursement Drives AI Adoption

It’s no secret that insurance reimbursement drives adoption of new medical technology. But a new analysis in NEJM AI shows exactly how reimbursement is affecting the diffusion into clinical practice of perhaps the newest medical technology – artificial intelligence. 

Researchers analyzed a database of over 11B CPT claims from January 2018 to June 2023 to find out how often reimbursement claims are being submitted for the use of the over 500 AI devices that had been approved by the FDA at the time the paper was finalized. 

  • The authors chose to focus on CPT claims rather than claims under the NTAP program for new technologies because CPT codes are used by both public and private payors in inpatient and outpatient settings, while NTAP only applies to Medicare inpatient payments. 

They found 16 medical AI procedures billable under CPT codes; of these, 15 codes were created since 2021 and the median age of a CPT code was about 374 days, indicating the novelty of medical AI.

  • Also, only four of the 16 had more than 1k claims submitted, leading the authors to state “overall utilization of medical AI products is still limited and focused on a few leading procedures,” such as coronary artery disease and diabetic retinopathy.

The top 10 AI products and number of CPT claims submitted are as follows:

  1. HeartFlow Analysis for coronary artery disease (67,306)
  2. LumineticsCore for diabetic retinopathy (15,097)
  3. Cleerly for coronary atherosclerosis (4,459)
  4. Perspectum LiverMultiScan for liver MRI (2,428)
  5. Perspectum CoverScan for multiorgan MRI (591)
  6. Koios DS for breast ultrasound (552)
  7. Anumana for ECG cardiac dysfunction (435)
  8. CADScor for cardiac acoustic waveform recording (331)
  9. Perspectum MRCP for quantitative MR cholangiopancreatography (237)
  10. CompuFlo for epidural infusion (67)

While radiology may rule in terms of the sheer number of FDA-approved AI products (79% in a recent analysis), the list shows that cardiology is king when it comes to paying the bills. 

The Takeaway

Amid the breathless hype around medical AI, the NEJM AI study comes as a bit of a wake-up call, showing how the cold reality of healthcare economics can limit technology diffusion – a finding also indicated in other studies of economic barriers to AI

On the positive side, it shows that a rosy future lies ahead for those AI algorithms – like HeartFlow Analysis – that can make the leap.

Uneven Success Against Breast Cancer

The decline in breast cancer mortality has been one of public health’s major success stories. But when you look at it from a global perspective, it’s the best of times and the worst of times. 

That’s because success in fighting breast cancer has been uneven around the world. While countries in North America, Western Europe, and Oceania have seen dramatic declines in breast cancer mortality and advanced-stage disease, other regions continue to be plagued by what really is becoming a survivable disease for most women. 

A new study in JAMA Oncology points out these disparities, documenting major differences in rates of advanced breast disease between countries in what researchers said was the most comprehensive review to date of global differences in breast cancer stage at diagnosis. 

  • Researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 133 studies covering 2.4M women across 81 nations over the past two decades, documenting differences in rates of advanced breast disease at diagnosis both over time and between countries. 

While most high-income nations have seen declines in rates of distant metastatic disease over the past 20 years, advanced-stage disease remains stubbornly common in lower middle-income countries. Researchers found: 

  • Rates of distant metastatic disease varied across countries by region, with sub-Saharan Africa the highest and North America the lowest (6-31% vs. 0-6%)
  • Lower socioeconomic status was tied to more advanced disease when women in the most disadvantaged group were compared to least disadvantaged (3-11% vs. 2-8%)
  • There were pronounced disparities even in high-resource countries with established screening programs, as rates of metastatic disease were twice as high in women of low socioeconomic status (SES) compared to high SES women, such as in the US (8% vs. 4%) 
  • Older women had a much higher prevalence of advanced disease across different countries compared to younger women (range of 4-34% vs. 2-16%), a phenomenon that could be because most screening programs stop at age 75
  • 40% of countries did not meet the Global Breast Cancer Initiative goal of having 60% or more of patients diagnosed at stage I or II

The Takeaway

The new findings indicate that it’s too soon to take a victory lap in the battle against breast cancer. While progress at higher socioeconomic levels in high-income countries has been impressive, breast cancer remains a scourge among more disadvantaged women and across wide regions of the world.

Lung Screening’s Long-Term Benefits

CT lung cancer screening produced lung cancer-specific survival over 80% in the most recent data from the landmark I-ELCAP study, a remarkable testament to the effectiveness of screening. 

The findings were published this week in Radiology from I-ELCAP, one of the first large-scale CT lung screening trials, and are the latest in a series of studies pointing to lung screening’s benefits. The findings were originally presented at RSNA 2022

The I-ELCAP study is ongoing and has enrolled 89k participants at over 80 sites worldwide from 1992-2022 who have been exposed to tobacco smoke and who received annual low-dose CT (≤ 3mGy) scans. Periodic I-ELCAP follow-up studies have documented the survival rates of those whose cancers were detected with LDCT, and the new numbers offer a 20-year follow-up, finding: 

  • Primary lung cancers were detected on LDCT in 1,257 individuals who had lung cancer-specific survival of 81%, matching the 10-year survival rate of 81%
  • 1,017 patients with clinical stage I lung cancer underwent surgical resection and saw a lung cancer-specific survival rate of 87%
  • The I-ELCAP survival rate is much higher than another landmark screening study, NLST, in which it was 73% for stage I cancer at 10 years
  • Lung cancer-specific survival hit a plateau after 10 years of follow-up, at a cure rate of about 80%

I-ELCAP is unique for a variety of reasons, one of which is that it continues to screen people beyond a baseline scan and 2-3 annual follow-up rounds – perhaps the reason for its higher survival rate relative to NLST. 

  • It also has included people who were exposed to tobacco smoke but who weren’t necessarily smokers – an important distinction in the debate over how broad to expand lung screening criteria.  

The findings come as CT lung cancer screening is generating growing momentum. Studies this year from Germany, Taiwan, and Hungary have demonstrated screening’s value, and several countries are ramping up national population-based screening programs. 

The Takeaway

The 20-year I-ELCAP data show that CT lung cancer screening works if you can get people to do it. But achieving survival rates over 80% also requires work on the part of healthcare providers, in terms of defined protocols for working up findings, data management for screening programs, and patient outreach to ensure adherence to annual screening. Fortunately, I-ELCAP offers a model for how it’s done.

More Support for CT Lung Cancer Screening

Yet another study supporting CT lung cancer screening has been published, adding to a growing body of evidence that population-based CT screening programs will be effective in reducing lung cancer deaths. 

The new study comes from European Radiology, where researchers from Hungary describe findings from HUNCHEST-II, a population-based program that screened 4.2k high-risk people at 18 institutions. 

  • Screening criteria were largely similar to other studies: people between the ages of 50 and 75 who were current or former smokers with at least 25 pack-year histories. Former smokers had quit within the last 15 years. 

Recruitment for HUNCHEST-II took place from September 2019 to January 2022. Participants received a baseline low-dose CT (LDCT) scan, with the study protocol calling for annual follow-up scans (more on this later). Researchers found: 

  • The prevalence of baseline screening exams positive for lung cancer was 4.1%, comparable to the NELSON trial (2.3%) but much lower than the NLST (27%)
  • 1.8% of participants were diagnosed with lung cancer throughout screening rounds
  • 1.5% of participants had their cancer found with the baseline exam
  • Positive predictive value was 58%, at the high end of population-based lung screening programs
  • 79% of screen-detected cancers were early stage, making them well-suited for treatment
  • False-positive rate was 42%, a figure the authors said was “concerning”

Taking a deeper dive into the data produces interesting revelations. Overdiagnosis is a major concern with any screening test; it was a particular problem with NLST but was lower with HUNCHEST-II. 

  • Researchers said they used a volume-based nodule evaluation protocol, which reduced the false-positive rate compared to the nodule diameter-based approach in NLST.

Also, a high attrition rate occurred between the baseline scan and annual screening rounds, with only 12% of individuals with negative baseline LDCT results going on to follow-up screening (although the COVID-19 pandemic may have affected these results). 

The Takeaway

The HUNCHEST-II results add to the growing momentum in favor of national population-based CT lung screening programs. Germany is planning to implement a program in early 2024, and Taiwan is moving in the same direction. The question is, does the US need to step up its game as screening compliance rates remain low?

Accessing Quality Data for AI Training

One of the biggest roadblocks in medical AI development is the lack of high-quality, diverse data for these technologies to train on.

What Is the Issue with Data Access?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of medical imaging, with immense potential to revolutionize clinical practices. AI-powered medical imaging can efficiently identify intricate patterns within data and provide quantitative assessments of disease biomarkers. This technology not only enhances the accuracy of diagnosis but can also significantly speed up the diagnostic process, ultimately improving patient outcomes.

While the landscape is promising, medical innovators grapple with challenges in accessing high-quality, diverse, and timely data, which is vital for training AI and driving progress.

A 2019 study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that over half of medical AI studies predominantly relied on databases from high-income countries, particularly the United States and China. If models trained on homogenous data are used clinically in diverse populations, then it could pose a risk to patients and worsen health inequalities experienced by underrepresented groups. In the United States, If the Food and Drug Administration deems these risks to be too high, then they could even reject a product’s application for approval. 

In trying to get hold of the best training data, AI developers, particularly startups and individual researchers, face a web of complexities, including legal, ethical, and technical considerations. Issues like data privacy, security, interoperability, and data quality compound these challenges, all of which are crucial in the effective and responsible utilization of healthcare data.

One company working to overcome these hurdles in hope of accelerated and high-quality innovations is Gradient Health.

Gradient Health’s Approach

Gradient Health offers AI developers instant access to one of the world’s largest libraries of anonymized medical images, sourced from hundreds of global hospitals, clinics, and research centers. This data is meticulously de-identified for compliance and can be tailored by vendors to suit their project’s needs and exported in machine learning-ready DICOM + JSON formats.

By partnering with Gradient Health, innovators can use these extensive, diverse datasets to train and validate their AI algorithms, mitigating bias in medical AI and advancing the development of precise, high-quality medical solutions.

Gaining access to top-tier data at the outset of the development process promises long-term benefits. Here’s how:

  • Expand Market Presence: Access the latest cross-vendor datasets to develop medical innovations, expanding your market share.
  • Global Expansion: Enter new regions swiftly with locally sourced data from your target markets, accelerating your global reach.
  • Competitive Edge: Obtain on-demand training data for imaging modalities and disease areas, facilitating product portfolio expansion.
  • Speed to Market: Quickly acquire data for product training and validation, reducing sourcing time and expediting regulatory clearances for faster patient delivery.

“After looking for a data provider for many weeks, I was not able to get even a sample delivery within one month. I was immensely glad to work with Gradient and go from first contact to final delivery within one week!” said Julien Schmidt, chief operations officer and co-founder at Mango Medical.

The Outlook

In recent years, medical AI has experienced significant growth. Innovations in medical imaging in particular have played a pivotal role in enabling healthcare professionals to identify diseases earlier and more accurately in patients with a range of conditions. 

Gradient Health offers a data-compliant, intuitive platform for AI developers, facilitating access to the essential data required to train these critical technologies. This approach holds the potential to save time, resources, and, most importantly, lives. 

More information about Gradient Health is available on the company’s website. They will also be exhibiting at RSNA 2023 in booth #5149 in the South Hall.

Unpacking the Biden Administration’s New AI Order

It seems like watershed moments in AI are happening on a weekly basis now. This time, the big news is the Biden Administration’s sweeping executive order that directs federal regulation of AI across multiple industries – including healthcare. 

The order comes as AI is becoming a clinical reality for many applications. 

  • The number of AI algorithms cleared by the FDA has been surging, and clinicians – particularly radiologists – are getting access to new tools on an almost daily basis.

But AI’s rapid growth – and in particular the rise of generative AI technologies like ChatGPT – have raised questions about its future impact on patient care and whether the FDA’s existing regulatory structure is suitable for such a new technology. 

The executive order appears to be an effort to get ahead of these trends. When it comes to healthcare, its major elements are summarized in a succinct analysis of the plan by Health Law Advisor. In short, the order: 

  • Calls on HHS to work with the VA and Department of Defense to create an HHS task force on AI within 90 days
  • Requires the task force to develop a strategic plan within a year that could include regulatory action regarding the deployment and use of AI for applications such as healthcare delivery, research, and drug and device safety
  • Orders HHS to develop a strategy within 180 days to determine if AI-enabled technologies in healthcare “maintain appropriate levels of quality” – basically, a review of the FDA’s authorization process
  • Requires HHS to set up an AI safety program within a year, in conjunction with patient safety organizations
  • Tells HHS to develop a strategy for regulating AI in drug development

Most analysts are viewing the executive order as the Biden Administration’s attempt to manage both risk and opportunity. 

  • The risk is that AI developers lose control of the technology, with consequences such as patients potentially harmed by inaccurate AI. The opportunity is for the US to become a leader in AI development by developing a long-term AI strategy. 

The Takeaway

The question is whether an industry that’s as fast-moving as AI – with headlines changing by the week – will lend itself to the sort of centralized long-term planning envisioned in the Biden Administration’s executive order. Time will tell.

Predicting the Future of Radiology AI

Making predictions is a messy business (just ask Geoffrey Hinton). So we’re always appreciative whenever key opinion leaders stick their necks out to offer thoughts on where radiology is headed and the major trends that will shape the specialty’s future. 

Two of radiology’s top thought leaders on AI and imaging informatics – Curtis Langlotz, MD, PhD, and Paul Chang, MD – gaze into the crystal ball in two articles published this week in Radiology as part of the journal’s centennial celebration. 

Langlotz offers 10 predictions on radiology AI’s future, briefly summarized below:

  • Radiology will continue its leadership position when it comes to AI adoption in medicine, as evidenced by its dominance of FDA marketing authorizations
  • Virtual assistants will help radiologists draft reports – and reduce burnout
  • Radiology workstations will become cloud-based cockpits that seamlessly unify image display, reporting, and AI
  • Large language models like ChatGPT will help patients better understand their radiology reports
  • The FDA will reform its regulation of AI to be more flexible and speed AI authorizations (see our article in The Wire below)
  • Large databases like the Medical Imaging and Data Resource Center (MIDRC) will spur data sharing and, in turn, more rapid AI development

Langlotz’s predictions are echoed by Chang’s accompanying article in Radiology in which he predicts the future of imaging informatics in the coming age. Like Langlotz, Chang sees the new array of AI-enabled tools as beneficial agents that will help radiologists manage growing workloads through dashboards, enhanced radiology reports, and workflow automation. 

The Takeaway

This week’s articles are required reading for anyone following the meteoric growth of AI in radiology. Far from Hinton’s dystopian view of a world without radiologists, Langlotz and Chang predict a future in which AI and IT technologies assist radiologists to do their jobs better and with less stress. We know which vision we prefer.

FDA Data Show AI Approval Boom

In the previous issue of The Imaging Wire, we discovered how venture capital investment in AI developers is fueling rapid growth in new AI applications for radiologists (despite a slowdown this year). 

This trend was underscored late last week with new data from the FDA showing strong growth in the number of regulatory authorizations of AI and machine learning-enabled devices in calendar 2023 compared to the year before. The findings show:

  • A resurgence of AI/ML authorizations this year, with over 30% growth compared to 14% in 2022 and 15% in 2021 – The last time authorizations grew this fast was in 2020 (+39%)
  • The FDA authorized 171 AI/ML-enabled devices in the past year. Of the total, 155 had final decision dates between August 1, 2022 to July 30, 2023, while 16 were reclassifications from prior periods 
  • Devices intended for radiology made up 79% of the total (122/155), an impressive number but down slightly compared to 87% in 2022 
  • Other medical specialities include cardiology (9%), neurology (5%), and gastroenterology/urology (4%)

One interesting wrinkle in the report was the fact that despite all the buzz around large language models for generative AI, the FDA has yet to authorize a device that uses generative AI or that is powered by LLMs. 

The Takeaway

The FDA’s new report confirms that radiology AI shows no sign of slowing down, despite a drop in AI investment this year. 

The data also offer perspective on a JACR report last week predicting that by 2035 radiology could be seeing 350 new AI/ML product approvals for the year. Product approvals would only have to grow at about a 10% annual rate to hit that number – a figure that seems perfectly achievable given the new FDA report.

What’s Fueling AI’s Growth

It’s no secret that the rapid growth of AI in radiology is being fueled by venture capital firms eager to see a payoff for early investments in startup AI developers. But are there signs that VCs’ appetite for radiology AI is starting to wane?

Maybe. And maybe not. While one new analysis shows that AI investments slowed in 2023 compared to the year before, another predicts that over the long term, VC investing will spur a boom in AI development that is likely to transform radiology. 

First up is an update by Signify Research to its ongoing analysis of VC funding. The new numbers show that through Q3 2023, the number of medical imaging AI deals has fallen compared to Q3 2022 (24 vs. 40). 

  • Total funding has also fallen for the second straight year, to $501M year-to-date in 2023. That compares to $771M through the third quarter of 2022, and $1.1B through the corresponding quarter of 2021. 

On the other hand, the average deal size has grown to an all-time high of $20.9M, compared to 2022 ($15.4M) and 2021 ($18M). 

  • And one company – Rapid AI – joined the exclusive club of just 14 AI vendors that have raised over $100M with a $75M Series C round in July 2023. 

In a look forward at AI’s future, a new analysis in JACR by researchers from the ACR Data Science Institute (DSI) directly ties VC funding to healthcare AI software development, predicting that every $1B in funding translates into 11 new product approvals, with a six-year lag between funding and approval. 

  • And the authors forecast long-term growth: In 2022 there were 69 FDA-approved products, but by 2035, funding is expected to reach $31B for the year, resulting in the release of a staggering 350 new AI products that year.

Further, the ACR DSI authors see a virtuous cycle developing, as increasing AI adoption spurs more investment that creates more products available to help radiologists with their workloads. 

The Takeaway

The numbers from Signify and ACR DSI don’t match up exactly, but together they paint a picture of a market segment that continues to enjoy massive VC investment. While the precise numbers may fluctuate year to year, investor interest in medical imaging AI will fuel innovation that promises to transform how radiology is practiced in years to come.

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