Are CT Scans Too Slow?

Is your imaging practice paying attention to the acquisition speed of your CT scans? A new study in AJR suggests that CT pulmonary angiography patients are being scanned at an average speed that’s 30% slower than optimal, resulting in unnecessary imaging artifacts. 

CT is radiology’s workhorse modality, but recent studies have found wide variation in CT scanning parameters, sometimes between scanners in the same health system or even the same facility. 

  • This can result in patients getting different levels of radiation dose for the same type of study, or differences in image quality that can make image comparisons more difficult. 

To even out the variation, imaging groups have proposed best-practice scanning protocols for different exams and anatomical regions. 

  • Most of these protocols focus on reducing radiation dose, but there are other elements – such as scan acquisition speed –  that are also important.

For CT pulmonary angiography exams, scans that are performed too slowly run the risk of motion artifacts caused by patients breathing.

  • Imaging sites, therefore, should try to optimize scan speed, which is determined by a mix of collimation, pitch, and gantry rotation time. 

Researchers in the new study — from UC San Francisco and University of Wisconsin — found that many sites were using a fixed scan speed for CTPA regardless of patient characteristics. 

  • They analyzed data for 167k CTPA scans acquired from 2016 to 2021, with data coming from 121 sites using 28 different scanner models from various manufacturers.

Researchers compared scan speeds to best-practice levels, revealing … 

  • Scans on average were 30% slower than the best-practice speed.
  • 87% of acquisitions were slower.
  • 62% were more than 20% slower.
  • Scan speeds varied widely by vendor and by scanner model.

Researchers concluded that CT sites weren’t optimizing their equipment and not implementing the fastest scan speeds available.  

  • As a result, they could be generating widespread motion artifacts, especially for smaller patients. 

The Takeaway

The new findings show that radiation dose isn’t the only CT scanning parameter that needs optimization. Imaging practices should take a look at their CT protocols to ensure they have the optimal settings, especially for CTPA scans of smaller patients. 

AI Recon Cuts CT Radiation Dose

Artificial intelligence got its start in radiology as a tool to help medical image interpretation, but much of AI’s recent progress is in data reconstruction: improving images before radiologists even get to see them. Two new studies underscore the potential of AI-based reconstruction to reduce CT radiation dose while preserving image quality. 

Radiology vendors and clinicians have been remarkably successful in reducing CT radiation dose over the past two decades, but there’s always room for improvement. 

  • In addition to adjusting CT scanning protocols like tube voltage and current, data reconstruction protocols have been introduced to take images acquired at lower radiation levels and “boost” them to look like full-dose images. 

The arrival of AI and other deep learning-based technologies has turbocharged these efforts. 

They compared DLIR operating at high strength to GE’s older ASiR-V protocol in CCTA scans with lower tube voltage (80 kVp), finding that deep learning reconstruction led to …

  • 42% reduction in radiation dose (2.36 mSv vs. 4.07)
  • 13% reduction in contrast dose (50 mL vs. 58 mL).
  • Better signal- and contrast-to-noise ratios.
  • Higher image quality ratings.

In the second study, researchers from China including two employees of United Imaging Healthcare used a deep learning reconstruction algorithm to test ultralow-dose CT scans for coronary artery calcium scoring. 

  • They wanted to see if CAC scoring could be performed with lower tube voltage and current (80 kVp/20 mAs) and how the protocol compared to existing low-dose scans.

In tests with 156 patients, they found the ultralow-dose protocol produced …

  • Lower radiation dose (0.09 vs. 0.49 mSv).
  • No difference in CAC scoring or risk categorization. 
  • Higher contrast-to-noise ratio.

The Takeaway

AI-based data reconstruction gives radiologists the best of both worlds: lower radiation dose with better-quality images. These two new studies illustrate AI’s potential for lowering CT dose to previously unheard-of levels, with major benefits for patients.

Slashing CT Radiation Dose

Cutting CT radiation dose should be the goal of every medical imaging facility. A new paper in European Radiology offers a promising technique that slashed CT dose to one-tenth of conventional CT – and just twice that of a standard chest X-ray.

CT’s wide availability, excellent image quality, and relatively low cost make it an invaluable modality for many clinical applications.

  • CT proved particularly useful during the COVID-19 pandemic for diagnosing lung pathology caused by the virus, and it continues to be used to track cases of long COVID.

But patient monitoring can involve multiple CT scans, leading to cumulative radiation exposure that can be concerning, especially for younger people.

  • Researchers in Austria wanted to see if they could use commercially available tools to produce ultra-low-dose CT scans, and then assess how they compared to conventional CT for tracking patients with long COVID.

Using Siemens Healthineers’ Somatom Drive third-generation dual-source CT scanner, they adjusted the parameters on the system’s CAREDose automated exposure control and ADMIRE iterative reconstruction to drive down dose as much as possible.

  • Other ultra-low-dose CT settings versus conventional CT included fixed tube voltage (100 kVp vs. 110 kVp), tin filtration (enabled vs. disabled), and CAREDose tube current modulation (enabled – weak vs. enabled – normal). 

They then tested the settings in a group of 153 patients with long COVID seen from 2020 to 2021; both ultra-low-dose and conventional CT scans were compared by radiologists, finding … 

  • Mean entrance-dose radiation levels with ultra-low-dose CT were less than one-tenth those of conventional CT in (0.21 mSv vs. 2.24 mSv); a two-view chest X-ray is 0.1 mSv
  • Image quality was rated 40% lower on a five-point scale (3.0 vs. 5.0)
  • But all ultra-low-dose scans were rated as diagnostic quality
  • Intra-reader agreement between the two techniques was “excellent,” at 93%

The findings led the researchers to conclude that ultra-low-dose CT could be a good option for tracking long COVID, such as in younger patients. 

The Takeaway

The study demonstrates that CT radiation dose can be driven down dramatically through existing commercially available tools. While this study covers just one niche clinical application, such tools could be applied to a wider range of uses, ensuring that the benefits of CT will continue to be made available at lower radiation doses than ever.

CT Changes Headache Workup

Recent studies have raised concerns about whether CT is overused in the emergency setting for patients with symptoms like headache, but a new study in JAMA Network Open suggests that higher CT utilization could be contributing to a decline in more invasive procedures like lumbar puncture. 

Earlier this month, we covered a study documenting the rapid rise of emergency head CT for patients presenting with acute-onset headache – which could be an indication of subarachnoid hemorrhage or other serious issues. 

  • Researchers theorized that higher CTA utilization could be a sign of overuse because the rate of positive findings over time fell 38%.

But the new study suggests that the growth in cerebral CTA use could have beneficial effects, by reducing the use of more invasive procedures and by detecting unruptured intracranial aneurysm. 

  • Some 5% of acute-onset headaches in emergency patients are caused by subarachnoid hemorrhage; these cases have a 50% risk of death or serious disability at one year, making accurate detection and workup a serious issue.

Researchers from Kaiser Permanente in Northern California analyzed 198k encounters for patients with headache at 21 community EDs from 2015 to 2021. 

  • They compared multiple workup protocols, ranging from CT only to others in which CT was used first, with nondiagnostic cases sent to either lumbar puncture or cerebral CTA. 

Dramatic changes occurred in headache workup over the study period, including … 

  • Overall use of CT grew at an average annual percent change of 5.4%
  • Cerebral CTA use grew 19% annually
  • Lumbar puncture use fell 11% annually
  • Detection of unruptured intracranial aneurysms grew 33%
  • The ratio of unruptured aneurysms to subarachnoid hemorrhage grew

The authors noted that the findings show clinicians are shifting away from a headache workup protocol that includes lumbar puncture to one that relies more on cerebral CTA.

  • The researchers were equivocal on the increase in detection of unruptured aneurysms; on the one hand, the absolute risk of rupture is low, but on the other, the consequences of rupture are severe.  

The Takeaway

The new study offers a more nuanced – and perhaps more positive – view of growing cerebral CTA use in the ED. In the end, it’s possible that two conflicting statements can be true: CT indeed may be overused in the emergency department, but its growing use is also having a beneficial impact on patient care.

More Support for Cardiac CT’s Value

A new study in Radiology offers more support for the value of CT-based coronary artery calcium scoring, finding that people with higher CAC scores had worse outcomes, and suggesting that those with scores of 0 could potentially avoid invasive coronary angiography. 

Evidence has been building that by measuring calcium buildup in the heart, CAC scores can predict clinical outcomes, in particular major adverse cardiac events, particularly in patients with stable chest. 

  • Studies ranging from MESA to SCOT-HEART to PROMISE have found that patients with CAC scores of 0 have MACE risk that’s lower than 2% – meaning they could be discharged without further invasive workup. 

The new study is an update to the DISCHARGE trial, which in 2022 published results comparing a CT-first evaluation strategy to one with invasive coronary angiography. The new study investigates the value of CAC scoring by analyzing its prognostic power in patients with stable chest pain who were referred for invasive coronary angiography. 

  • The DISCHARGE study is notable for its diversity – 26 clinical centers in 16 European countries – as well as its use of 13 different models of CT scanners from all four major CT OEMs from 2015 to 2019. 

In all, 1.7k patients were studied, and CAC scores were generated based on CT scans and used to stratify patients into one of three groups; they were then followed for 3.5 years and rates of MACE were correlated to CAC levels, finding … 

  • Patients with CAC scores of 0 had the lowest rates of MACE compared to those with scores of 1-399 and ≥400 (0.5% vs. 1.9% & 6.8%)
  • Rising CAC scores corresponded to higher prevalence of obstructive coronary artery disease (0=4.1% vs. 1-399=29.7% & ≥400=76%)
  • Revascularization rates rose with CAC scores (0=1.7% vs. ≥400=46.2%)

While the authors steered away from commenting on the study’s impact on clinical management, the findings – if confirmed with additional studies – suggest that stable chest pain patients may not need invasive coronary angiography.

  • And in another interesting wrinkle to the study, the researchers pointed out that 57% of the DISCHARGE study’s patient population were women, a fact that addresses sex bias in previous research. 

The Takeaway

The DISCHARGE study’s findings are yet another feather in the cap for cardiac CT, with higher CAC scores indicating the long-term presence of atherosclerosis. Should they be confirmed, individuals with stable chest pain in the future will benefit from less invasive – and less expensive – management.

AI Powers Opportunistic Screening

The growing power of AI is opening up new possibilities for opportunistic screening – the detection of pathology using data acquired for other clinical indications. The potential of CT-based opportunistic screening – and AI’s role in its growth – was explored in a session at RSNA 2023.

What’s so interesting about opportunistic screening with CT? 

  • As one of imaging’s most widely used modalities, CT scans are already being acquired for many clinical indications, collecting body composition data on muscle, fat, and bone that can be biomarkers for hidden pathology. 

What’s more, AI-based tools are replacing many of the onerous manual measurement tasks that previously required radiologist involvement. There are four primary biomarkers for opportunistic screening, which are typically related to several major pathologies, said Perry Pickhardt, MD, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who led off the RSNA session:

  • Skeletal muscle density (sarcopenia)
  • Hard calcified plaque, either coronary or aortic (cardiovascular risk)
  • Visceral fat (cardiovascular risk)
  • Bone mineral density (osteoporosis and fractures) 

But what about the economics of opportunistic screening? 

  • A recent study in Abdominal Radiology found that in a hypothetical cohort of 55-year-old men and women, AI-assisted opportunistic screening for cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and sarcopenia was more cost-effective compared to both “no-treatment” and “statins for all” strategies – even assuming a $250/scan charge for use of AI.

But there are barriers to opportunistic screening, despite its potential. In a follow-up talk, Arun Krishnaraj, MD, of UVA Health in Virginia said he believes fully automated AI algorithms are needed to avoid putting the burden on radiologists. 

And the regulatory environment for AI tools is complex and must be navigated, said Bernardo Bizzo, MD, PhD, of Mass General Brigham.

Ready to take the plunge? The steps for setting up a screening program using AI were described in another talk by John Garrett, PhD, Pickhardt’s colleague at UW-Madison. This includes: 

  • Normalizing your data for AI tools
  • Identifying the anatomical landmarks you want to focus on
  • Automatically segmenting areas of interest
  • Making the biomarker measurements
  • Plugging your data into AI models to predict outcomes and risk-stratify patients

The Takeaway

Opportunistic screening has the potential to flip the script in the debate over radiology utilization, making imaging exams more cost-effective while detecting additional pathology and paving the way to more personalized medicine. With AI’s help, radiologists have the opportunity to place themselves at the center of modern healthcare. 

CT Detects Early Lung Cancer

A massive CT lung cancer screening program launched in Taiwan has been effective in detecting early lung cancer. Research presented at this week’s World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC) in Singapore offers more support for lung screening, which has seen the lowest uptake of the major population-based screening programs. 

Previous randomized clinical trials like the National Lung Screening Trial and the NELSON study have shown that LDCT lung cancer screening can reduce lung cancer mortality by at least 20%. But screening adherence rates remain low, ranging from the upper single digits to as high as 21% in a recent US study. 

Meanwhile, lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. To reduce this burden, Taiwan in July 2022 launched the Lung Cancer Early Detection Program, which offers biennial screening nationwide to people at high risk of lung cancer.

The Taiwan program differs from screening programs in the US and South Korea by including family history of lung cancer in the eligibility criteria, rather than just focusing on people who smoke. 

Researchers at WCLC 2023 presented the first preliminary results from the program, covering almost 50k individuals screened from July 2022 to June 2023; 29k had a family history of lung cancer and 19k were people who smoked heavily. Researchers found …

  • 4.4k individuals receive a positive screening result for a positive rate of 9.2%
  • 531 people were diagnosed with lung cancer for a detection rate of 1.1%
  • 85% of cancers were diagnosed at an early stage, either stage 0 or stage 1

This last finding is perhaps the most significant, as part of the reason for lung cancer’s high mortality rate is that it’s often discovered at a late stage, when it’s far more difficult to treat. As such, lung cancer’s five-year survival rate is about 25% – far lower than breast cancer at 91%.

The Takeaway

Taiwan is setting an example to other countries for how to conduct a nationwide LDCT lung cancer screening program, even as some critics take aim at population-based screening. Taiwan’s approach is broader and more proactive than that of the US, for example, which has erected screening barriers like shared decision-making.

Although it’s still early days for the Taiwan program, future results will be examined closely to determine screening’s impact on lung cancer mortality – and respond to screening’s critics.

Fine-Tuning Cardiac CT

CT has established itself as an excellent cardiac imaging modality. But there can still be some fine-tuning in terms of exactly how and when to use it, especially for assessing people presenting with chest pain. 

Two studies in JAMA Cardiology tackle this head-on, presenting new evidence that supports a more conservative – and precise – approach to determining which patients get follow-up testing. The studies also address concerns that using coronary CT angiography (CCTA) as an initial test before invasive catheterization could lead to unnecessary testing.

In the PRECISE study, researchers analyzed 2.1k patients from 2018 to 2021 who had stable symptoms of suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). Patients were randomized to a usual testing strategy (such as cardiac SPECT or stress echo), or a precision strategy that employed CCTA with selected fractional flow reserve CT (FFR-CT). 

The precision strategy group was further subdivided into a subgroup of those at minimal risk of cardiac events (20%) for whom testing was deferred to see if utilization could be reduced even further. In the precision strategy group….

  • Rates of invasive catheterization without coronary obstruction were lower (4% vs. 11%)
  • Testing was lower versus the usual testing group (84% vs. 94%)
  • Positive tests were more common (18% vs. 13%)
  • 64% of the deferred-testing subgroup got no testing at all
  • Adverse events were higher, but the difference was not statistically significant

To expand on the analysis, JAMA Cardiology published a related study that further investigated the safety of the deferred-testing strategy at one-year follow-up. Researchers compared adverse events in the deferred testing group to those who got the usual testing strategy, finding that the deferred testing group had…

  • A lower incidence rate of adverse events (0.9 vs. 5.9)
  • A lower rate of invasive cardiac cath without obstructive CAD per 100 patient years (1.0 vs. 6.5)

The results from both studies show that a strategy of deferring testing for low-risk CAD patients while sending higher-risk patients to CCTA and FFR-CT is clinically effective with no adverse impact on patient safety.

The Takeaway
The new findings don’t take any of the luster off cardiac CT; they simply add to the body of knowledge demonstrating when to use – and not to use – this incredibly powerful tool for directing patient care. And in the emerging era of precision medicine, that’s what it’s all about.

AI Automates Liver Fat Detection

An automated AI algorithm that analyzes CT scans for signs of hepatic steatosis could make it possible to perform opportunistic screening for liver disease. In a study in AJR, researchers described their tool and the optimal CT parameters it needs for highest accuracy. 

Hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) is a common condition that can represent non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), also known as metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD). Imaging is the only noninvasive tool for detecting steatosis and quantifying liver fat, with CT having an advantage due to its widespread availability. 

Furthermore, abdominal CT data acquired for other clinical indications could be analyzed for signs of fatty liver – the classic definition of opportunistic screening. Patients could then be moved into treatment or intervention.

But who would read all those CT scans? Not who, but what – an AI algorithm trained to identify hepatic steatosis. To that end, researchers from the US, UK, and Israel tested an algorithm from Nanox AI that was trained to detect moderate hepatic steatosis on either non-contrast or post-contrast CT images. (Nanox AI was formed when Israeli X-ray vendor Nanox bought AI developer Zebra Medical Vision in 2021.)

The group’s study population included 2,777 patients with portal venous phase CT images acquired for different indications. AI was used to analyze the scans, and researchers noted the algorithm’s performance for detecting moderate steatosis under a variety of circumstances, such as liver attenuation in Hounsfield units (HU). 

  • The AI algorithm’s performance was higher for post-contrast liver attenuation than post-contrast liver-spleen attenuation difference (AUC=0.938 vs. 0.832)
  • Post-contrast liver attenuation at <80 HU had sensitivity for moderate steatosis of 77.8% and specificity of 93.2%
  • High specificity could be key to opportunistic screening as it enables clinicians to rule out individuals who don’t have disease without requiring diagnostic work-up that might lead to false positives

The authors point out that opportunistic screening would make abdominal CT scans more cost-effective by using them to identify additional pathology at minimal additional cost to the healthcare system. 

The Takeaway

This study represents another step forward in showing how AI can make opportunistic screening a reality. AI algorithms can comb through CT scans acquired for a variety of reasons, identifying at-risk individuals and alerting radiologists that additional work-up is needed. The only question is what’s needed to put opportunistic screening into clinical practice. 

CT Flexes Muscles in Heart

CT continues to flex its muscles as a tool for predicting heart disease risk, in large measure due to its prowess for coronary artery calcium scoring. In JAMA, a new paper found CT-derived CAC scores to be more effective in predicting coronary heart disease than genetic scores when added to traditional risk scoring. 

Traditional risk scoring – based on factors such as cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and smoking status – has done a good job of directing cholesterol-lowering statin therapy to people at risk of future cardiac events. But these scores still provide an imprecise estimate of coronary heart disease risk. 

Two relatively new tools for improving CHD risk prediction are CAC scoring from CT scans and polygenic risk factors, based on genetic variants that could predispose people toward heart disease. But the impact of either of these tools (or both together) when added to traditional risk scoring hasn’t been investigated. 

To answer this question, researchers analyzed the impact of both types of scoring on participants in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (1,991 people) and the Rotterdam Study (1,217 people). CHD risk was predicted based on both CAC and PRS and then compared to actual CHD events over the long term. 

They also tracked how accurate both tools were in reclassifying people into different risk categories (higher than 7.5% risk calls for statins). Findings included: 

  • Both CAC scores and PRS were effective in predicting 10-year risk of CHD in the MESA dataset (HR=2.60 for CAC score, HR=1.43 for PRS). Scores were slightly lower but similar in the Rotterdam Study
  • The C statistic was higher for CAC scoring than PRS (0.76 vs. 0.69; 0.7 indicates a “good” model and 0.8 a “strong” model) 
  • The improved accuracy in reclassifying patient risk was statistically significant when CAC was added to traditional factors (half of study participants moved into the high-risk group), but not when PRS was added  

The Takeaway 

This study adds to the growing body of evidence supporting cardiac CT as a prognostic tool for heart disease, and reinforces CT’s prowess in the heart. The findings also support the growing chorus in favor of using CT as a screening tool in cases of intermediate or uncertain risk for future heart disease.

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