Imaging IT

Top 4 Trends from SIIM 2024

SIIM 2024 concluded this weekend, and what a meeting it was. The radiology industry’s premier imaging IT show returned to National Harbor, MD, for the first time since 2018, where the Biosphere-like environment of the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center offered a respite from the muggy weather outside. 

SIIM is always a great place to check in on new imaging IT technologies like PACS, AI, and enterprise imaging, and hot topics at SIIM 2024 included…  

  • AI Needs to Get Real (World): Research studies showing AI’s value are fine, but developers need to show that AI works in real-world settings before wider adoption will occur. Fortunately that’s started with landmark studies published recently for use cases like breast and osteoporosis screening. Meanwhile, scuttlebutt on the SIIM 2024 exhibit floor reinforced that start-ups are navigating an ugly funding environment, and many industry observers are predicting a wave of AI consolidation. 
  • Outlook Clears for the Cloud: Cloud-based imaging has struggled to catch on for years, but that’s starting to change as healthcare providers warm to the concept of letting third parties oversee their patient data. And there are signs that imaging IT vendors that were quick to develop cloud-based versions of their PACS software are reaping the rewards.
  • Enterprise Imaging Grows Up: This year’s meeting marked the 10-year anniversary of enterprise imaging, as dated from the start of the SIIM-HIMSS collaboration in 2014. The anniversary is a milestone worth observing, but it also raises questions about what the next 10 years will look like, and how AI and data from other -ologies will be integrated into enterprise networks. 
  • Cybersecurity Takes Priority: Several high-profile cybersecurity breaches at healthcare vendors and providers in the last year highlight that not enough is being done to keep patient data secure. Will migrating to the cloud help? Only time will tell.

The Takeaway

SIIM’s collegiality and coziness has always been a selling point for the meeting, even back in the days when it was known as SCAR. This year didn’t disappoint, as deals got done and relationships were built at the Gaylord National.  

Be sure to visit our YouTube channel and LinkedIn page to view our video interviews from the floor of the meeting – it was great seeing you all at the show!

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