Lung Cancer Screening

Volpara’s Lung Cancer Push

Lung scan image

Breast imaging AI leader Volpara Health took a big step into the lung cancer AI segment last week, launching partnerships with Riverain Technologies and RevealDx. Here are some details.

Volpara & Riverain – Volpara and Riverain announced plans to integrate Riverain ClearRead CT (AI-based lung nodule detection) and the Volpara Lung platform (lung cancer screening reporting, tracking, and risk assessment), giving Volpara a market-leading detection partner and extending the clinical value of both tools.

Volpara & RevealDx – Within days, Volpara announced a $250k strategic investment in AI-based lung nodule diagnosis startup RevealDx, that will allow Volpara to sell RevealDx’s RevealAI-Lung tool (CE-marked, FDA pending) in the US and make Volpara its exclusive distributor in Australia / New Zealand. 

Not That Surprising – Volpara’s lung cancer screening expansion isn’t as surprising as some might think. Volpara first entered the lung cancer screening segment through its 2019 acquisition of MRS Systems, which likely targeted MRS’ breast cancer screening management software but also included its lung cancer screening platform (used w/ 8% of US LC screenings). Volpara also built its business around supporting population-scale cancer screening workflows and it has a long history of complementary partnerships within its breast imaging business.

The Takeaway – Lung cancer screening volumes are about to significantly increase in the US (and potentially globally), creating new bandwidth and workflow constraints, and driving demand for comprehensive solutions that support the entire screening and patient management pathway. With these alliances, Volpara, Riverain, and RevealDx are far better positioned to support that pathway.

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