Artificial Intelligence

Veye Validation

A team of Dutch radiologists analyzed Aidence’s Veye Chest lung nodule detection tool, finding that it works “very well,” while outlining some areas for improvement.

The Study – After using Veye Chest for 1.5 years, the researchers analyzed 145 chest CTs with the AI tool and compared its performance against three radiologists’ consensus reads, finding that:

  • Veye Chest detected 130 nodules (80 true positive, 11 false negative, 39 false positives)
  • That’s 88% sensitivity, a 1.04 mean FP per-scan rate, and 95% negative predictive value
  • The radiologists and Veye Chest had different size measurements for 23 nodules
  • Veye Chest tended to overestimate nodule size (bigger than rads w/ 19 of the 23)
  • Veye Chest and the rads’ nodule composition measurements had a 95% agreement rate

The Verdict – The researchers found that Veye Chest “performs very well” and matched Aidence’s specifications. They also noted that the tool is “not good enough to replace the radiologist” and its nodule size overestimations could lead to unnecessary follow-up exams.

The Takeaway – This is a pretty positive study, considering how poorly many recent commercial AI studies have gone and understanding that no AI vendor would dare propose that their AI tools “replace the radiologist.” Plus, it provides the feedback that Aidence and other AI developers need to keep getting better. Given the lack of AI clinical evidence, let’s hope we see a lot more studies like this.

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